Tuesday Night Mind Renewal Bible Study Assignment

March 2025
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More in 2024
Filed under: General
Posted by: @ 5:00 pm

According to our theme for this year and our recent Bible Study’s, please answer the following question below:
Type your answers in the blog and submit. Pastor David Ings will review and discuss with you.

1. What does “More in 2024″ mean to you, according to Momentum Christian Ministry theme?
2. What does the more, mean to the ministry?
3. According to Luke 14:23, what does Jesus mean by compel?
4. How do we apply this meaning to our witness, and by doing what? What phrase does Pastor Ings use?
5. What was the title of Dr. Willis’s message to Momentum, Tuesday February 6, and what does it mean to you?
6. What was the title of Pastor Kenneth Jones message to Momentum, Tuesday February 13, and what does it mean to you?
7. What was the title of Dr. Allen’s message to Momentum, Tuesday February 20, and what does it mean to you?
8. Has your personal devotion increased since the January fast?
9. Who and what are the 5 descriptions given to Christ Jesus in Revelation 1:5?
10. Why are these descriptions important to the believer?

2 Responses to “More in 2024”

  1. Anonymous Says:
    EXAMPLE ANSWERS BELOW: Just type in the comment and submit. 1. To me, More in 2024 mean we give God more of our mind…. 2.More of our mind through Theology 3. Jesus said compel which means….. 4. Pastor David has said as we compel we are “Taking ____ an answer” 5. No Power, No ______ 6. “Expect __________” 7. “______” 8. Yes it has…. 9. “faithful witness”………. 10. The describe……….
  2. Rita Says:
    1. More in 2024 means giving God more of our mind so we can understand who He is and begin to take on the characteristics of God. 2. More in ministry means giving more of our time for the building of the Kingdom of God, through works within the ministry, praise and worship, devotion and being a witness. 3. Compel means to persuade or urge by force but looking for creative ways to invite others. Never giving up on saving a soul 4. Not taking no for an answer, inviting, friends and family. Our witness is infused by the Holy Spirit. 5. More in 202r according to Dr. Willis is to win more souls for Jesus Christ and not just sit on the side lines looking cute. Get in the fight. NO power, no impact. The power comes through the blood of Jesus. Get some Spiritual Intuition about yourself so you can be an impact. 6. Pastor Jones spoke to pursuing more of God and being on the offensive in this fight like David against Goliath because God is with us. Holding on to the Promises of God because after THIS you will arrive at your MORE! Allow Fod to fight the battle. 7. Dr. Allen says not to be afraid to ask God for more in 2024! Being able to use the more to be a blessing to others and the uplifting of the Kingdom of God. 8. Yes, my devotion has increased since Janaury 9. Faithful witness, 1st begotten of the dead, prince of the kings of the earth, and sacrificial lamb

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